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[spring] stream 사용 예, 하지만 없어졌지...



v5.0.9.RELEASE 까지는 enhanced for 로 구성이 되어 있었다.

package org.springframework.web.method;

public class ControllerAdviceBean implements Ordered {
	// ...
	 * Find the names of beans annotated with
	 * {@linkplain ControllerAdvice @ControllerAdvice} in the given
	 * ApplicationContext and wrap them as {@code ControllerAdviceBean} instances.
	public static List<ControllerAdviceBean> findAnnotatedBeans(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
		List<ControllerAdviceBean> beans = new ArrayList<>();
		for (String name : BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(applicationContext, Object.class)) {
			if (applicationContext.findAnnotationOnBean(name, ControllerAdvice.class) != null) {
				beans.add(new ControllerAdviceBean(name, applicationContext));
		return beans;


그러더니 5.1.0부터 stream으로 바뀌었다.

커미터: Rossen Stoyanchev at 2018-06-07

  [SPR-16336] Extract HandlerTypePredicate from ControllerAdviceBean

public class ControllerAdviceBean implements Ordered {
	// ...
	public static List<ControllerAdviceBean> findAnnotatedBeans(ApplicationContext context) {
		return Arrays.stream(BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(context, Object.class))
				.filter(name -> context.findAnnotationOnBean(name, ControllerAdvice.class) != null)
				.map(name -> new ControllerAdviceBean(name, context))


하지만 2019년 6월 21일 Sam Brannen에 의해 다시 바뀌었다는...

커밋 로그가 "Avoid use of Stream API in ControllerAdviceBean" 이다.

public class ControllerAdviceBean implements Ordered {
	// ..
	public static List<ControllerAdviceBean> findAnnotatedBeans(ApplicationContext context) {
		List<ControllerAdviceBean> adviceBeans = new ArrayList<>();
		for (String name : BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(context, Object.class)) {
			ControllerAdvice controllerAdvice = context.findAnnotationOnBean(name, ControllerAdvice.class);
			if (controllerAdvice != null) {
				// Use the @ControllerAdvice annotation found by findAnnotationOnBean()
				// in order to avoid a subsequent lookup of the same annotation.
				adviceBeans.add(new ControllerAdviceBean(name, context, controllerAdvice));
		return adviceBeans;

피보탈도 스트림 API를 지양하고 있다는 느낌을 받았다.